Team Zen

Negotiation Skills

Training Course

Course Overview

The process of negotiation is a continuous endeavour not limited to specific occasions. We are consistently engaged in some form of negotiation in our day-to-day life and due to increased international business transactions and transactions within the legal framework, negotiation skills have become more relevant now than ever.


This Negotiation Skills course is designed considering the needs of the current business environment. By developing your skills as a trained negotiator, you will create more value for all parties in the negotiation. You will think beyond what is visible on the negotiation table, hence increasing organizational gains.

Communication and psychological barriers play an important role in any negotiation; they sabotage us from becoming good negotiators. This course prepares participants to become skilled negotiators through self-reflection. By knowing their negotiation style, they become better equipped for the negotiation process.

This training covers all facets related to negotiation, whether it’s communication styles, body language, biases, understanding others’ perspectives, needs, wants, and positions of parties, BATNA, Zone of Possible Agreements, and others.


  • To provide participants with knowledge about various tools and strategies.
  • Ability to make an informed decision at the negotiation table and the right time to walk away from the negotiation.
  • Successful negotiation requires self-awareness, practice, and preparation. This shall be achieved by placing participants in real-time situations for practice and preparation.
  • Becoming aware of biases and barriers and keeping tabs on these saboteurs, shall make them better negotiators.
  • They will be adept at employing soft or hard negotiation approaches as per the situation.

Training Methodology

This training module is designed to be interactive and engaging, combining knowledge sharing and concept explanations. The facilitation approach includes a range of activities:

  • Group discussions
  • Role-play sessions
  • Drawing lessons from industry experiences
  • Video decoding sessions
  • Brainstorming exercises
  • Real negotiation simulations conducted between teams.

Organizational Benefits

  • Greater value out of any negotiation.
  • Self-reflection and being aware of barriers help in improved communication between teams and with external agencies.
  • Clarity on expectations and outcome from negotiation meetings.
  • Better value and outcomes from the negotiation process.
  • Better conflict resolution due to increased empathy.

Individual Benefits

  • Improved relationship building and fast rapport building.
  • Enhancement in understating of conflicts and their cause and possible resolutions
  • Better preparedness leads to conclusive negotiation.
  • High-value creation out of the negotiation process
  • Long-term relationship with parties.

Who Should Attend?

This training module is designed keeping in mind professionals who are involved directly or indirectly in the negotiation process:

  • Executives and senior executives involved in negotiation.
  • Members involved in Procurement activities.
  • All executives from the Supply chain department
  • Sales & Business Development Executives
  • Members from the Human Resources department.
  • Project Managers and senior members of the Project team
  • Anyone looking for professional development.

Negotiation Skills Course Content

  • Definitions
  • Importance of negotiation skills in personal and professional contexts.
  • Myth around negotiation
  • Exploring the key elements of negotiation: parties, interests, options, and alternatives (BATNA).
  • Differentiating between distributive and integrative negotiation.
  • The art of effective communication in negotiation.
  • Practising active listening to understand the other party’s needs and concerns.
  • Embedded enemy image
  • Role of Psychological biases in negotiation
  • PROBE Model for Self-reflection
  • Overcoming common barriers during negotiations
  • Empathy and understanding others’ perspectives.
  • Establishing a positive and collaborative atmosphere in negotiations.
  • Self-disclosure & Disclosure reciprocity
  • Strategies for building rapport and fostering trust with the other party.
  • Recognizing cultural and interpersonal differences that affect rapport-building.
  • Decoding body language
  • Importance of preparedness
  • Identifying your goals, interests, and priorities in a negotiation.
  • Identify stakeholders and their roles
  • Power-Interest Grid
  • Researching the other party to gather information and anticipate their interests.
  • Types of Negotiators
  • Pre-Negotiation Framework
  • MoSCoW Framework
  • A 7-Step process for good negotiation (PNC Planning, Negotiating & Conclude cycle)
  • Understanding different models in Negotiation
    (Haggling Model, Cost-benefit analysis (Decision-making model), Game-playing model, Partnership model, Problem-solving model
  • Exploring various strategies to create value for both parties.
    (Win-Lose: Competition, Lose-Win: Accommodation, Split the difference: Compromise, Lose-Lose: Avoidance, Win-Win: Collaboration)
  • Correlation matrix (Importance of relationship Vs Outcome)
  • Soft Vs hard negotiating skills
  • Identifying opportunities for trade-offs and mutual gains.
  • Understanding and calculating BATNA, RV, RP, ZOPA
  • Simulating the negotiation cycle
  • Role-playing exercises to practice integrative negotiation techniques.
  • Finding the basis of conflict or deadlock
  • Identifying difficult negotiator
  • Strategies for overcoming impasses and deadlocks in negotiations.
  • Techniques for defusing tension and finding common ground.
  • Method for conflict resolution
  • Case studies and role plays to practice handling challenging negotiation scenarios.
  • Desirable characteristics in skilled negotiators
  • Techniques for framing proposals, using persuasive language, and presenting data effectively.
  • Ethical considerations when using persuasion tactics.
  • Do’s & Don’ts
  • Recognizing cultural differences and their impact on negotiation dynamics.
  • Adapting your negotiation style to different cultural norms.
  • Ethics and Fairness in negotiation
  • Case studies and interactive discussions on cross-cultural negotiation challenges.
  • Roleplay utilising all acquired knowledge
  • Practical industry-relevant scenarios
  • Discover your style of negotiation
  • Action Plan for Future & Realtime Feedback